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How used the best SNP calling workflow for GBS or full genome sequencing !!!!

From fastq to bam

RattleSNP is a really flexible tool mapped paired data. You can give parameters on the config.yaml file to RattleSNP to generate a modular, dedicated pipeline for your own data.


RattleSNP includes (at the moment) only BWA tools.

Included tools :

Optional statistics

Using RattleSNP you can activate or deactivate statistics on mapping steps.

Directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) show the differences between deactivated (BUILD_STATS=False):


and activated BUILD_STATS step on configuration file (BUILD_STATS=True):



In any case, MAPPING will be activated if BUILD_STATS is True even if MAPPING-ACTIVATE is False

SNP calling

The SNP calling is perform by GATK tools.

Included tools :


Filter VCF and genetics tools